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Art-works by exhibition: Brave Men for Brave Deeds
Our exhibition is devoted to the theme of Labor in Soviet Painting 1940-1970.
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Valery Semenov
'On the Cornfloor'
1979, oil on canvas, 104.5 x 149.5 cm
Valery Semenov
1977, oil on canvas, 97 x 133 cm
Vera Zaitseva
'Train. Moscow'
1950s, oil on cardboard, 35 x 50 cm
Vera Zaitseva
'Bratskaya Hydroelectric Power Station'
1957, oil on canvas, 70 x 97 cm
Viktor Babentsov
'Metro Builders'
1966, oil on canvas, 153 x 85 cm
Dmitry Kiyanchenko
1960s, oil on canvas, 89 x 119 cm
Fedor Yusov
'Construction Site'
1960s, oil on canvas, 75 x 129 cm
Fedor Yusov
'New Plant Workshop'
1960s, oil on canvas, 204.5 x 147 cm
Gennady Gaev
'New House. Family of 1930s'
1960s, oil on canvas, 123 x 136 cm