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Sergey Pankratov
'Moika in the Night'
1960s, oil on cardboard, 48.5 x 60 cm
Sergey Pankratov
'On the Bank of the River'
1960s, gouache on paper, 42 x 59.5 cm
Sergey Pankratov
'Gorky. View of the Kanavinsky Bridge from the Kremlin'
1960s, oil on paper, 41 x 64.5 cm
Sergey Pankratov
'Near the Pond'
1950s, oil on paper, 44.5 x 65 cm
Sergey Pankratov
'V.P. Chkalov's Monument'
1960s, oil on paper, 29 x 39 cm
Sergey Pankratov
1950s, oil on paper, 20 x 28 cm
Sergey Pankratov
'Bridge in Gatchina'
1958, gouache on paper, 42 x 30.5 cm
Sergey Pankratov
'Moika River. Summer'
1950, oil on paper, 27.5 x 33 cm
Sergey Pankratov
1967, oil on cardboard, 39.5 x 50 cm