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I Aspire to My Top

Klara Vlasova was 11 when she was awarded the First Prize at the First All-Union Children’s Drawing Competition. Today she is 91 and "I am happy when I can work", - is her motto.
"I did not reach all I was dreaming about but I aspire to my top", says the painter.
NB Gallery presents artworks made in 1940s in the beginning of Klara's career - studies for her diploma painting "Symphonic Orchestra" and "The Rest" as well as her works made recently as "Moscow Evening", "Poppies"

26.05.2017 — 25.06.2017
Preview — Friday, May 26

1953-1968. The Thaw: Art of Life

In 2017, the leading museums of Moscow are presenting the largest exhibition project “Thaw”.

23.03.2017 — 18.04.2017
Preview — Thursday, March 23

From the Art Studio of Marina Sokolova

Works by Marina Sokolova.

18.11.2016 — 15.12.2016
Preview — Thursday, November 17

I am Happy

The exhibition presents paintings by Naira Akopyan created from the end of the 1940s to the early 1990s.

23.09.2016 — 30.10.2016
Preview — Thursday, September 22